Opening Day MAY 10th!!

Our Spring Season begins Saturday, May 10th 2025 and runs until June 20th. Spring Hours are Saturdays and Sundays only from 10am-4pm. After June 20th we will be open daily 10am-4pm for the summer. Be sure to check our animal presentation schedule to make the most out of your visit!


Sunday, May 11th is Mothers day!

What better way to celebrate mom then to bring her to Fort Rickey for baby goat snuggles! Mom’s get in free today with the purchase of one child admission! Thank you for all you do Mom’s!!


Storybook Character day! Saturday, June 14th!

Come dressed in your favorite story book character costume and receive a free portion of animal feed! This day will feature face painting, a kid’s character parade at 2pm, directly followed by sack races and hula hoop contests with prizes, a song time, a story time, and of course, special guest visits from your favorite Magical Kingdom Princesses!


HAppy fathers day!

Sunday, June 15th, Fort Rickey is honoring all fathers by giving them free admission today! (with the purchase of 1 Child admission). A Fathers role is so vital, we have nothing but respect for all the Dad’s out there that are lovingly raising their kids!



We’re bringing it back! 3 spectacular dates set for this year: June 21st 6pm-9pm, July 26th 7pm-10pm, and Sept 6th 6pm-9pm! Join us for this rich experience of enchanting lights, fabulous wine/cider/beer, high class live music by Isaac French, S’mores and warm campfires…all while mingling with friendly deer or hugging baby goats! Must be 18 years or older to attend this event. ID’s will be required upon entry. Regular adult admission rates apply ($12.00 plus tax). Adult beverages only $5.00 a glass (must be 21 to purchase). There will also be SQUISHY’s BBQ food truck on site in the picnic area serving up delicious brisket.

Homeschool Day, June 25th, 2025!

Homeschoolers can enjoy lower admission today from 10am-4pm.

Admission only $7.00 per person!

(please bring a sample of your curriculum to receive discount)


Kids Night Out!

On Saturday, July 5th 7pm-10pm, we will be re-opening the Zoo after hours this day to allow children the unique opportunity of experiencing the zoo at night! Some areas of the zoo really come alive after hours! Don’t miss the chance to hear the wolves howl, the owl hoot, the foxes yell, and the otters splash! SPECIAL ACTIVITIES include a nature scavenger hunt with prizes, a rock painting craft in the picnic area ($3.00), camp fire with smores (smores kits are $5.00), Dad’s ICE CREAM Truck will be on site, and various cartoon shorts will be shown on the big movie screen after dark! This event will start at 7pm and ends at 10pm. There is a Rain Date set for July 12th.

Regular admission rate applies. Season passes are accepted. The Maternity Ward and the Petting Area will be open from 7pm to 8pm. The Wild Creatures Playland will be open from 7 to 9pm. The Cartoons will play on the center lawn from 9pm to 10pm. (please bring flashlights, bug spray, picnic blankets, and jars for catching fire flies!) Concession stand will be open for the purchasing of food/snacks/drinks 7pm-9pm.


July 19th is SUPER HERO Theme Day!

Come dressed as your favorite super hero and receive a free portion of animal food! (for safety reasons, please no masks that cover the face) All real life super hero’s and their families will enjoy the lowered admission of $7.00 per person this day! This includes policemen, fire fighters, doctors, nurses, teachers, first responders, active military, and foster parents!

Enjoy learning about the super powers our animals have, participate in the hero parade around the zoo, and experience the SUPER Magic of Chris Wheel (show is at 1pm) Face painting will be available from 11am-2pm… The Fort Rickey foot race for kids starts at noon! Sign up upon arrival that day between 10am and 11am to compete in our mini-marathon around the zoo loop. Race will take place at noon, parade to follow directly after the race. Cash prizes awarded! $50.00 for 1st, $25.00 for second and $15.00 for third place! 3 separate races with different distances will be held according to age groups (4-6, 7-11, 12-15). Bailey’s Karate will also be performing a demonstration on the center lawn at 11am!



ARRGH! Ah Hoy there! Bring your little maties all dressed up in their best pirate garb and receive a free portion of animal food! We will be featuring pirate themed crafts for purchase, a magic show, games with prizes, and more!


End of Summer Bash AUGUST 30th 6pm-9pm

It’s always hard saying goodbye to another summer and stepping into a new school year. We get it. Let Fort Rickey help ease them into it by bringing the kids out for an event that is sure to cheer them up! SPECIAL ACTIVITIES include a nature scavenger hunt with prizes, crafts in the picnic area ($3.00), camp fire with smores (smores kits are $5.00), Dad’s Ice Cream Truck will be on site, and various cartoon shorts will be shown on the big movie screen after dark! This event will start at 6pm and ends at 9pm. weather permitting

Rate: Regular admission rate applies. Season passes are accepted. The Maternity Ward and the Petting Area will be open from 6pm-8pm. The Wild Creatures Playland will be open from 6pm-8pm. Cartoons will play on the center lawn from 8pm to 9pm. (please bring flashlights, bug spray, & picnic blankets) Concession stand will be open for the purchase of food/snacks/drinks 6pm-8pm.


Toddler tuesdays

Toddler Tuesdays is designed for the stay at home mom or dad that would like a day out with the littles while the older kids are at school. This is an exclusive event just for parents and their toddlers. It will take place on Tuesdays starting Sept 23rd from 10am-2pm. Activities will include feeding deer in the petting area, playing with the baby goats in the maternity ward, a snake presentation at 11am, access to the wild creatures playland, gift shop and concession stand will be open. Again, this is an exclusive event, adults must be accompanied by a child under the age of 4 to attend. Regular admission rates apply. Please note: Our typical daily animal presentations will not be available on Toddler Tuesdays and the giant pillow bounce and water games will be closed. May cancel in the event of rain. The last Toddler Tuesday for the season will be Oct 21st.


FALL FUN DAYS (weekends only starting Sept. 20th & ending Oct.26th)

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Fall Fun Days

Fall fun days are weekends only (Saturdays and Sundays)from 10 am until 4 pm. Our season ends Oct. 26th, 2024, weather permitting! Fall Fun Days feature Antique Tractor pull rides around the loop of the zoo, Pumpkin decorating and Crafts, a Kid’s Fun Maze, Campfire with S’mores, as well as our Educational Animal Presentations and access to the Wild Creature’s Playland with Pillow bounce. Fall Food Favorites are also available for purchase including: Cider, Fresh Donuts from FERLO’s, Homemade Fudge, Caramel Apples, Chili, Macaroni & Cheese, Pumpkin Bread, and much more!

The Price Of Admission is $12.00+tax for Adults $10.00+tax for children (2-15y)

Tractor Pull Rides are $2.50 a ticket

Pumpkins are $4.00 each * S’MORES KITS ARE $5.00 EACH


Season Passes are accepted throughout the Fall Fun Days.


Crafts at the Zoo Event! Oct. 11th 10am-4pm

Local craft vendors come together at the zoo this day to share their unique treasures with you! Spend the day browsing and shopping while visiting your favorite zoo animals!! Enjoy a magic show by Chis Wheel at 1pm! Admission is lowered to $7.00 per person! (Season passes are accepted for this event)


Small Business Saturday

SHOP SMALL!!! On Nov 29th and 30th , The Gift Shop is OPEN from 10am-4pm. Everything, including Season Passes for 2026, will be on sale! Shoppers can also enjoy strolling through the zoo at no charge with complimentary hot chocolate and candy canes. Rumor has it Santa Claus will be visiting as well!